Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Getting Web Hosting Packages with Free Domain Names

Choosing a domain name can be a tough task. For one thing, there are plenty of great domain names that have already gone, so choosing a good one can be a pretty hard thing to do. But whatever you decide, there is one decision you really do need to make. The sooner you grab your chosen domain name the better, since they can be snapped up very quickly and if you delay you could miss out on the one you really want.

Nowadays there are plenty of web hosting packages which offer a free domain name when you sign up, and this can be a great deal if you are looking to get your website hosted as soon as possible. But are these web hosting packages worth getting?

Consider Your Options

Before you take the plunge and either get your desired domain name registered or choose from the many web hosting packages which offer free domain names as part of the deal, it's vital that you think about what you are going to be doing in the near future. There is no point going for web hosting packages that will cost you several dollars a month if you don't currently have a website that needs hosting. Very often the first stages of building an online business involve getting a domain name registered, so that the desired image of the company is shown in the actual domain name itself.

In this case it's really too early to be looking at web hosting packages, since they change so often that it's likely there will be a better deal on offer by the time you are finally ready to get your site hosted. If, on the other hand, your site design is in the latter stages of development, then web hosting packages are definitely the way to go. In this case it makes sense to look for web hosting packages that do include a domain name, since it is often easier to get everything done in one go if it suits you.

There are lots of things to think about when you are building up a new business, but getting your new website online with the right domain name and your choice of the various web hosting packages that are out there is arguably one of the most important. So long as you do your homework and go with the best plan available, getting a free domain name in this way can be a real boon.